Windows 7 (formerly codenamed Blackcomb and Vienna)is the next release of Microsoft Windows, an operating system producedby Microsoft for use on personal computers, including home and businessdesktops, laptops, Tablet PCs, netbooks and media center PCs.
Microsoft stated in 2007 thatit was planning Windows 7 development for a three-year time framestarting after the release of its predecessor, Windows Vista, but thatthe final release date would be determined by product quality.
Unlikeits predecessor, Windows 7 is intended to be an incremental upgrade toVista, with the goal of being fully compatible with device drivers,applications, and hardware which Windows Vista is already compatiblewith. Presentations given by the company in 2008 have focused onmulti-touch support, a redesigned Windows Shell with a new taskbar, ahome networking system called HomeGroup, and performance improvements.Some applications that have been included with prior releases ofMicrosoft Windows, most notably Windows Mail, Windows Movie Maker, andWindows Photo Gallery, are no longer included with the operatingsystem; they are instead offered separately (free of charge) as part ofthe Windows Live Essentials suite.
Microsoftreleases fix for Windows 7 MP3 corruption issue Microsoft warned thatthere was a serious MP3 corruption issue in the Windows 7 beta (build7000), which has been making the rounds on piracy networks. The companypromised a fix, and it has now arrived. Regardless of where you got thebeta from, I strongly recommend that you

Installthis update to resolve live and recorded TV issues in Windows MediaCenter, recorded TV playback issues in Windows Media Player, and MP3file corruption issues in Windows. After you install this item, you mayhave to restart your computer. This update is provided to you andlicensed under the Windows 7 Pre-Release License Terms.
Asyou can see, Microsoft took the opportunity to fix other issues in thebeta with this patch. Still, the most critical of the issues fixed wasMP3 corruption. Here's how the corruption occurs: the first few secondsof an MP3 file will be cut if the header of the mp3 file is larger than16 kilobytes and if metadata is written to the file. The corruptionwill occur either when the user edits the metadata from inside WMP12 orExplorer, or if WMP12 is set to automatically fill in missing metadatausing the online service. The changes are irreversible, so make sure toinstall this patch before you play back any of your MP3s
This is probably the most serious bug that has been discovered in theWindows 7 beta, and it's a good thing that it was, because Microsoft isabout to give it out to the public in a couple of hours.
Afterrefreshing the Windows 7 Customer Improvement Program page a plethoraof times, I found that after the site released 5 keys of eacharchitecture to me, it began to repeat the same ones, as if these arethe only keys that Microsoft is distributing for this release. I wouldimagine that these keys can be used an infinite amount of times sincethere are only ten different keys total that Microsoft made. I'm notpositive about that yet though. I'll test it out and get back to you onit. In the meantime, here are those keys!:
Serial Windows 7
Part 1 - = 975MB
Part 2 - = 975MB
Part 3 - = 975MB
Part 4 - = 144MB
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