* Paperback: 816 pages
* Publisher: Wiley; 3 edition (July 23, 2004)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0764557394
* ISBN-13: 978-0764557392
* Book Description
- An expanded, updated, and retitled edition of HTML Bible, examining HTML, XHTML-a set of extensions to HTML to make it more like XML-and cascading style sheets (CSS), which provide a simple way to add consistent formatting to HTML Web documents
- Focusing on reader feedback and changing industry trends, this new edition is a majoroverhaul that addresses the extensive changes in Web development
- Shows readers the best, most efficient way to use HTML and examines which peripheral technologies are worth learning for the long run
- Features “before and after” pictures that show the results of improved Web page coding
- Offers continued coverage of key topics, including site administration, dynamic data-driven pages, and many others, in addition to new sections on hot new topics such as blogs and content management
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